Class Mapped-Result-Set

Part of:

package cl-perec, class result-set-transformer

Direct Superclass



innerInitargs::inner; Accessors:inner-of; Type:result-set.
map-fnInitargs::map-fn; Accessors:map-fn-of; Type:function.

Direct Method

record-count-ofReturns the number of records in RESULT-SET.
records-ofReturns records of RESULT-SET as a sequence from START index
(inclusive, default is 0) to END in...

Other Method

close-result-setCloses the result-set. After this operation the result-set cannot be accessed.
revive-result-set!Refreshes the result set to be valid in the current transaction.
to-listConverts the result to a list.
If FLATP is true then the rows are flattened (useful when they con...
to-scrollConverts the result set to a scroll.