A simple web shop
(in-package :cl-perec-test)
(defpclass* basket ()
((created-at (transaction-timestamp) :type timestamp)
(ordered #f :type boolean :documentation "The consumer confirmed the order and willing to pay"))
(:documentation "Holds a list of product, quantity pairs"))
(defpclass* product ()
((name :type (text 30) :unique #t)
(unit-price :type number))
(:abstract #t)
(:documentation "Serves as base class for products"))
(defpclass* products-in-basket ()
((quantity :type integer-16))
(:documentation "Specifies the quantity of a product in a basket"))
((:class basket :slot products-in-basket :type (set products-in-basket))
(:class products-in-basket :slot basket :type basket)))
((:class product :slot products-in-basket :type (set products-in-basket))
(:class products-in-basket :slot product :type product)))
(defpclass* computer (product)
((kind :type (member :desktop :notebook))
(memory :type integer-32)))
(defpclass* bycicle (product)
((size :type integer-16)))
(defun purge-shop ()
"Purges all data from the shop"
(purge-instances 'product) this (purge-instances 'basket)
(purge-instances 'products-in-basket))
(defun create-products ()
"Creates some products which can be bought"
(make-instance 'computer
:name "Apple"
:kind :desktop
:unit-price 1200
:memory 1024)
(make-instance 'computer
:name "Orange"
:kind :notebook
:unit-price 1400
:memory 2048)
(make-instance 'bycicle
:name "Csengi"
:unit-price 400
:size 26)
(make-instance 'bycicle
:name "Nandi"
:unit-price 500
:size 28)))
(defun find-product (name)
(select-instance (p product)
(where (equal (name-of p) name))))
(defun create-baskets ()
"Creates hypotetical baskets with products"
(bind ((b1 (make-instance 'basket :ordered #t))
(b2 (make-instance 'basket))
(b3 (make-instance 'basket :ordered #t)))
(make-instance 'products-in-basket
:basket b1
:product (find-product "Apple")
:quantity 1)
(make-instance 'products-in-basket
:basket b1
:product (find-product "Csengi")
:quantity 2)
(make-instance 'products-in-basket
:basket b2
:product (find-product "Nandi")
:quantity 1)
(make-instance 'products-in-basket
:basket b3
:product (find-product "Orange")
:quantity 3)
(list b1 b2 b3)))
(defun select-ordered-baskets (created-before)
"Selects the baskets which have been ordered (confirmed) and created before
the provided timestamp. Returns a list of basket and total price pairs.
This query compiles into the following SQL either at compile time or
at runtime based on the :compile-at-macroexpand parameter. The compiled
query is always cached, so subsequent calls reuse the result. Use macroexpand
when the parameter is set to #t or trace cl-perec::compile-query when it is set
to #f to see how the query compiler compiles down parts to static SQL and how
it leaves other parts in lisp.
SELECT _pib._basket_id, SUM((_pib._quantity * _product3355._unit_price))
FROM _product _product3355, _basket _basket3354, _products_in_basket _pib
WHERE ((_product3355._id = _pib._product_id) AND
(_basket3354._id = _pib._basket_id) AND
_basket3354._ordered AND
((_basket3354._created_at = $1::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE)))
GROUP BY _pib._basket_id"
(select ((basket-of pib)
(sum (* (quantity-of pib)
(unit-price-of (product-of pib)))))
(from (pib products-in-basket))
(where (and (ordered-p (basket-of pib))
(local-time<= (created-at-of (basket-of pib)) created-before)))
(group-by (basket-of pib))))
(deftest test/shop/1 ()
(bind ((result (select-ordered-baskets (transaction-timestamp))))
(is (= 2 (length result)))
(is (= 2000 (second (first result))))
(is (= 4200 (second (second result))))))
(dolist (basket
(select-instances (b basket)
(where (not (ordered-p b)))))
(setf (ordered-p basket) #t))
(bind ((result (select-ordered-baskets (transaction-timestamp))))
(is (= 3 (length result)))
The query in select-ordered-baskets expands into (lowercased for readability):
(lambda (#:scroll-offset-3581 #:scroll-limit-3582)
(declare (ignorable #:scroll-offset-3581 #:scroll-limit-3582))
(lambda ()
(unless (typep *database* 'postgresql-postmodern)
(error "The current value of *database* (~A) is not subtypep of the compile-time value of *database* (~S)."
*database* 'postgresql-postmodern))
(let ((cl-rdbms::*binding-values* (make-array 16 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
(vector-push-extend (elt (funcall #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA (VALUE)) {100758F889}> created-before) 0) cl-rdbms::*binding-values*)
"SELECT _pib._basket_id, SUM((_pib._quantity * _product3575._unit_price)) FROM _product _product3575, _basket _basket3574, _products_in_basket _pib WHERE ((_product3575._id = _pib._product_id) AND (_basket3574._id = _pib._basket_id) AND _basket3574._ordered AND ((_basket3574._created_at <= $1::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE))) GROUP BY _pib._basket_id"
#(nil) #(#<CL-RDBMS::SQL-TIMESTAMP-TYPE {1007586861}>) cl-rdbms::*binding-values*)))))
(lambda (#:row-3580)
(let ((#:var3578 (funcall 'object-reader #:row-3580 0))
(#:sum3579 (if (eq (elt #:row-3580 1) :null)
(elt #:row-3580 1))))
(list #:var3578 #:sum3579))))
:flatp nil))